ZINCUM METALLICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide


ZINCUM METALLICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Zincum Metallicum Materia Medica and homeopathy medicine uses & benefits

Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic medicine derived from the metal zinc. It is primarily used to treat a range of physical and psychological symptoms

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Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic medicine derived from the metal zinc. It is primarily used to treat a range of physical and psychological symptoms.

Properties and Preparation:

Chemical formula: Zn
Preparation: Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic medicine derived from metallic zinc. It is prepared through a process of trituration and potentization, which involves grinding and diluting the zinc metal with lactose sugar.

Symptoms & Materia Medica:

Weak Memory: Zincum metallicum is indicated when there is a weak memory and difficulty in retaining information.

Restlessness and Sensitivity to Noise: Individuals requiring Zincum metallicum are often restless and highly sensitive to noise. They may be easily startled by sudden sounds.

Aversion to Work and Talking: There is an aversion to work and a reluctance to engage in conversation.

Repetition of Words: The person may repeat everything said to them, indicating a peculiar symptom of Zincum metallicum.

Melancholia and Lethargy: Zincum metallicum can be useful for individuals experiencing melancholic moods and a state of lethargy or dullness.

Paresis: It is indicated in cases of paresis, which refers to a partial or complete loss of voluntary movement.

Headache: Zincum metallicum is known to relieve headaches that occur from the smallest quantity of wine or alcohol.

Restlessness of Feet: Restless feet, characterized by continuous motion and an inability to keep them still, is a prominent symptom of Zincum metallicum.

Burning Pressure and Constriction in Chest: It is indicated for symptoms of burning pressure beneath the sternum and constriction in the chest.

Trembling and Twitching of Muscles: Zincum metallicum is known to alleviate trembling and twitching of various muscles in the body.

Varicose Veins: It is useful in cases of varicose veins, especially in the lower extremities.

Chilblains: Zincum metallicum can help relieve chilblains, which are painful inflammations of the skin caused by exposure to cold.

Sensitivity of Soles: The soles of the feet may be sensitive to touch in individuals requiring Zincum metallicum.

Menstrual Complaints: Zincum metallicum is indicated for menstrual complaints such as late or suppressed menses, pain in the ovaries, and increased flow at night.

Sleep Disorders: Individuals may experience disturbed sleep, including jerking of the body, somnambulism (sleepwalking), and screaming during sleep.


Weak Memory: The individual experiences a lack of strength in memory recall.

Very Sensitive to Noise: The person displays heightened sensitivity to auditory stimuli.

Averse to Work, to Talk: There is a strong dislike or avoidance of both work and verbal communication.

Child Repeats Everything Said to It: In the case of a child, there is a tendency to repeat everything that is spoken to them.

Fears Arrest on Account of a Supposed Crime: The individual harbors anxiety or apprehension about being arrested due to an imagined or perceived offense.

Melancholia: A state of deep, persistent sadness or sorrow is present.

Lethargic, Stupid: The person is characterized by a lack of energy and appears slow-witted.

Paresis: There is a condition of partial paralysis or weakness in the muscles.

Feels as if He Would Fall to the Left Side: Sensation of instability or the inclination to fall towards the left side.

Headache from the Smallest Quantity of Wine: Experiencing a headache triggered by even a small amount of wine consumption.

Hydrocephalus: A medical condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain.

Rolls Head from Side to Side: The individual engages in a repetitive side-to-side movement of the head.

Bores Head into the Pillow: The person exhibits a tendency to press or bury their head into the pillow.

Occipital Pain, with Weight on Vertex: Pain located at the back of the head (occiput), often accompanied by a sensation of heaviness on the crown of the head (vertex).

Automatic Motion of Head and Hands: Involuntary or reflexive movements of the head and hands.

Brain-fag; Headaches of Overtaxed School Children: Mental fatigue and headaches associated with the overexertion of school children.

Forehead Cool; Base of Brain Hot: A condition where the forehead feels cool while there is a sensation of warmth or heat at the base of the brain.

Roaring in Head: Auditory perception of a loud, continuous sound within the head.

Starting in Fright: Experiencing sudden movements or reactions as a result of being startled or frightened.

Pterygium; Smarting, Lachrymation, Itching: Presence of a pterygium, a growth on the eye’s surface, accompanied by a smarting sensation, excessive tearing, and itching.

Pressure as if Pressed into the Head: Sensation of pressure in the eyes as if they are being pressed into the head.

Itching and Soreness of Lids and Inner Angles: The lids and inner corners of the eyes experience itching and soreness.

Ptosis: Drooping of the upper eyelid.

Rolling of Eyes: Involuntary or deliberate movement of the eyes in a circular motion.

Blurring of One-half of Vision; Worse with Stimulants: Visual impairment with blurred vision affecting one-half of the visual field, exacerbated by stimulant use.

Squinting: Inclination to partially close the eyes to improve focus or reduce light exposure.

Amaurosis, with Severe Headache: Blindness or visual impairment accompanied by an intense headache.

Red and Inflamed Conjunctiva; Worse at Inner Canthus: Inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva, particularly pronounced at the inner corner of the eye (inner canthus).

Tearing, Stitches, and External Swelling: Experiencing sensations of tearing or sharp stitches in the ears, accompanied by external swelling.

Discharge of Fetid Pus: The ears produce a discharge of foul-smelling pus, indicating an infection or inflammation in the ear canal.

Sore Feeling High Up; Pressure Upon the Root: Sensation of soreness located high up in the nose, accompanied by pressure on the nasal root.

Pale Lips, and Corners of Mouth Cracked: The lips appear pale, and there are cracks at the corners of the mouth.

Redness and Itching Eruption on Chin: Presence of a red and itchy skin eruption specifically located on the chin.

Tearing in Facial Bones: Experiencing a sensation of tearing or sharp pain in the bones of the face.

Teeth Loose: The condition where teeth are not firmly in place and may move or wobble.

Gums Bleed: The gums experience bleeding, possibly during activities like brushing or eating.

Gnashing of Teeth: Involuntary or forceful grinding or clenching of the teeth.

Bloody Taste: Sensation of a taste resembling blood in the mouth.

Blisters on Tongue: Presence of fluid-filled lesions on the tongue.

Difficult Dentition; Child Weak; Cold and Restless Feet: Challenges and discomfort during the process of teething, particularly in a child who is weak and exhibits cold and restless feet.


Dry; Constant Inclination to Hawk up Tenacious Mucus: The throat experiences dryness, accompanied by a persistent urge to clear or cough up thick, sticky mucus.

Rawness and Dryness in Throat and Larynx: The throat and the voice box (larynx) feel irritated, sore, and dry.

Pain in Muscles of Throat When Swallowing: Discomfort or pain is felt in the muscles of the throat during the act of swallowing.

Hiccough, Nausea, Vomiting of Bitter Mucus: Experiencing hiccough, a feeling of nausea, and the expulsion of bitter mucus through vomiting.

Burning in Stomach, Heartburn from Sweet Things: Sensation of burning in the stomach, especially accompanied by heartburn triggered by the consumption of sweet foods.

Cannot Stand the Smallest Quantity of Wine: Intolerance to even a small amount of wine, leading to discomfort or adverse reactions.

Ravenous Hunger about 11 am: Experiencing an intense and insatiable hunger around 11 am.

Great Greediness When Eating; Cannot Eat Fast Enough: Displaying a voracious appetite and a strong desire to eat quickly, as if unable to satisfy the hunger fast enough.

Atonic Dyspepsia, Feeling as if the Stomach Were Collapsed: A sense of weak or lacking digestive function, with a feeling as if the stomach is collapsed or lacking tone.

Pain After a Light Meal, with Tympanitis: Experiencing pain following a light meal, accompanied by abdominal distension due to the accumulation of gas.

Pain in Spot Beneath the Navel: Discomfort or pain localized to a specific area beneath the navel.

Gurgling and Gripping; Distended: Audible gurgling sounds and gripping sensations in the abdomen, accompanied by distension.

Flatulent Colic, with Retraction of the Abdomen (Plumbum): Suffering from colicky pain caused by gas, with a noticeable pulling back or retraction of the abdominal wall (associated with Plumbum).

Enlarged, Indurated Sore Liver: The liver is swollen, hardened, and sensitive to touch.

Reflex Symptoms from Floating Kidney: Manifestation of symptoms, possibly pain or discomfort, due to a floating kidney.

Griping After Eating: Experiencing sharp, spasmodic pains in the abdomen after consuming food.

Can Only Void Urine When Sitting Bent Backwards: The ability to pass urine is limited to the posture of sitting while bent backward.

Hysterical Retention: Retention of urine due to a hysterical or emotionally induced condition.

Involuntary Urination When Walking, Coughing, or Sneezing: The occurrence of uncontrolled or involuntary urination while walking or during episodes of coughing or sneezing.

Hard, Small, Constipated Stool: Passage of firm, small, and difficult-to-expel stools.

Cholera Infantum, with Tenesmus; Green Mucous Discharges: Cholera-like symptoms in infants, including a straining sensation during bowel movements (tenesmus) and the expulsion of green, mucous-like discharges.

Sudden Cessation of Diarrhea, Followed by Cerebral Symptoms: Abrupt stoppage of diarrhea, succeeded by symptoms affecting the brain or cerebral functions.

Testicles Swelled, Drawn Up: Enlargement and elevation of the testicles, possibly due to inflammation or other conditions.

Violent Erections: Experiencing strong and forceful penile erections.

Emissions with Hypochondriasis: Release of semen during periods of excessive worry or anxiety related to one’s health (hypochondriasis).

Falling Off of Hair (Pubic): Loss of hair, specifically in the pubic region.

Drawing in Testicles up to the Spermatic Cord: Contraction or retraction of the testicles, extending up to the spermatic cord.

Ovarian Pain, Especially Left; Can’t Keep Still (Viburnum): Experiencing pain in the ovaries, particularly on the left side, accompanied by an inability to remain still. (Associated with Viburnum)

Nymphomania of Lying-in Women: Heightened or excessive sexual desire in women during the postpartum period or lying-in phase.

Menses Too Late, Suppressed; Lochia Suppressed (Pulsatilla): Menstrual flow delayed or absent, and postpartum discharge (lochia) suppressed. (Associated with Pulsatilla)

Painful Breasts: Experiencing pain or discomfort in the breasts.

Sore Nipples: Nipple tenderness or pain.

Menses Flow More at Night (Bovista): Menstrual bleeding is more pronounced during the nighttime. (Associated with Bovista)

Complaints All Better During Menstrual Flow (Eupion; Lachesis): Relief from symptoms occurs specifically during the menstrual flow. (Associated with Eupion and Lachesis)

Burning Pressure Beneath Sternum: Feeling of burning and pressure beneath the breastbone or sternum.

Constriction and Cutting in the Chest: Experiencing a sensation of tightness and sharp cutting pain in the chest.

Hoarseness: Abnormal roughness or harshness in the voice.

Debilitating, Spasmodic Cough; Worse When Eating Sweet Things: A cough that is weakening and spasmodic, particularly aggravated by the consumption of sweet foods.

Child Grasps Genitals During Cough: A child exhibits a tendency to hold or grasp their genitals while coughing.

Asthmatic Bronchitis, with Constriction of the Chest: Inflammation of the bronchi with symptoms resembling asthma, accompanied by a feeling of tightness or constriction in the chest.

Dyspnea Better as Soon as Expectoration Appears: Shortness of breath improves immediately upon the appearance of expectoration (coughing up mucus).

Pain in the Small of the Back: Experiencing pain in the lower part of the back.

Cannot Bear the Back Touched (Sulphur; Theridion; Cinchona): Intolerance or extreme sensitivity to touch on the back. (Associated with Sulphur, Theridion, Cinchona)

Tension and Stinging Between the Shoulders: Feeling of tightness and a stinging sensation located between the shoulder blades.

Spinal Irritation: Inflammation or irritation of the spinal cord.

Dull Aching about the Last Dorsal or First Lumbar Vertebra; Worse When Sitting: Experiencing a persistent, throbbing ache around the last dorsal or first lumbar vertebra, aggravated by sitting.
Burning Along the Spine: Sensation of burning extending along the length of the spine.

Nape of the Neck Weary from Writing or Any Exertion: Fatigue or weariness in the nape of the neck, particularly after writing or engaging in any form of physical exertion.

Tearing in the Shoulder Blades: Sharp, tearing pain in the area between the shoulder blades.

Lameness, Weakness, Trembling, and Twitching of Various Muscles: Experiencing a combination of reduced mobility, lack of strength, trembling, and involuntary muscle contractions in different muscle groups.

Chilblains (Agaricus): The presence of chilblains, a condition characterized by inflammation and irritation of small blood vessels in response to cold exposure. (Associated with Agaricus)

Feet in Continued Motion; Cannot Keep Still: The feet are constantly in motion, and there is an inability to remain still.

Large Varicose Veins on Legs: Enlarged, twisted veins on the legs.
Sweaty: Experiencing excessive sweating.

Convulsions, with Pale Face: Seizures or spasms accompanied by a pale facial complexion.

Transverse Pains, Especially in the Upper Extremity: Crosswise or transverse pains, particularly affecting the upper extremities.

Soles of Feet Sensitive: Sensitivity or tenderness in the soles of the feet.

Steps with the Entire Sole of the Foot on the Floor: Walking by placing the entire sole of the foot on the ground during each step.

Cries Out During Sleep; Body Jerks; Wakes Frightened, Stared: The individual vocalizes, experiences body jerks, and wakes up frightened with a startled expression during sleep.

Nervous Motion of Feet When Asleep: The feet exhibit restless or fidgety movements during sleep due to nervousness.

Loud Screaming Out at Night in Sleep Without Being Aware of It: The person utters loud screams during the night while asleep, without being conscious of the vocalization.

Somnambulism (Kali Phos): Sleepwalking, a condition in which the person engages in activities like walking while still asleep. (Associated with Kali Phos)

Varicose Veins, Especially of Lower Extremities (Pulsatilla): Enlarged, twisted veins, particularly affecting the lower extremities. (Associated with Pulsatilla)

Formication of Feet and Legs as From Bugs Crawling Over the Skin, Preventing Sleep: Sensation of tingling or crawling, similar to the feeling of bugs moving on the skin, particularly in the feet and legs, leading to sleep disturbance.

Eczema, Especially in the Anemic and Neurotic: Inflammation of the skin, particularly eczema, observed in individuals who are anemic and neurotic.

Itching of Thighs and Hollow of Knees: Experiencing an itching sensation in the thighs and the concave area behind the knees.

Retrocession of Eruptions: The sudden withdrawal or disappearance of skin eruptions.

Frequent, Febrile Shiverings Down the Back: Regular episodes of fever-induced shivering or trembling, typically descending along the back.

Cold Extremities: The limbs, especially the hands and feet, feel cold.

Night Sweats: Experiencing excessive sweating during the night, often disrupting sleep.

Profuse Sweat on Feet: Excessive sweating specifically observed on the feet.

Worse at menstrual period, from touch, between 5 to 7 pm, after dinner, from wine
Better while eating, from discharges, and appearance of eruptions

Complementary: Not specified
Antidotes: Camph., Hep., Ign., Wine.,

Compare: Agaricus, Ignatia, Plumbum, Argentum, Pulsatilla, Helleborus, Tuberculinum

Inimical: Nux vomica, Chamomilla

Remedies that follows well: Hep., Ign., puls., Sep., Sulph.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q: What are the key indications for Zincum metallicum?

A: Zincum metallicum is indicated for weak memory, restlessness, sensitivity to noise, aversion to work and talking, paresis, and various nervous symptoms.

Q: How is Zincum metallicum prepared?

A: Zincum metallicum is prepared through trituration and potentization of metallic zinc with lactose sugar.

Q: Can Zincum metallicum be used for headaches?

A: Yes, Zincum metallicum is known to relieve headaches, especially those triggered by the smallest quantity of wine or alcohol.

A: Restless feet, characterized by continuous motion and an inability to keep them still, is a characteristic symptom of Zincum metallicum.

Q: Is Zincum metallicum effective for menstrual complaints?

A: Yes, Zincum metallicum can be helpful for menstrual complaints such as late or suppressed menses, pain in the ovaries, and increased flow at night.

Q. Can Zincum metallicum be used for children?

A. Yes, Zincum metallicum can be used in children, but it is always recommended to consult a qualified homeopath for appropriate dosage and guidance.

Q. What are the common potencies of Zincum metallicum?

A. Zincum metallicum is available in various potencies, including 6C, 30C, 200C, and higher. The selection of potency depends on the individual’s symptoms and the prescribing homeopath’s expertise.

Q. How long does it take for Zincum metallicum to show results?

A. The response to Zincum metallicum varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience improvement in their symptoms within a short period, while others may require longer treatment duration.

Q. Are there any known side effects of Zincum metallicum?

A. When used according to homeopathic principles, Zincum metallicum is generally considered safe and does not have known side effects. However, it is essential to consult a homeopath for proper evaluation and guidance

Q. Can Zincum metallicum be used alongside conventional medication?

A. Homeopathic medicines like Zincum metallicum are generally safe to use alongside conventional medication. However, it’s always recommended to inform your healthcare provider about all the treatments you are undergoing to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential interactions.

Q. How should Zincum metallicum be taken?

A. Homeopathic medicines are typically taken in the form of small pellets or globules. They are placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. It’s advisable to take them away from food or strong flavors, as well as avoid touching them with your hands to preserve their potency.

Q. Can Zincum metallicum be used for self-treatment?

A. While Zincum metallicum is available over-the-counter, it is recommended to consult a qualified homeopath for a proper diagnosis and individualized treatment plan. Homeopathic remedies work best when prescribed based on a thorough understanding of the person’s symptoms and overall health.

when prescribed based on a thorough understanding of the person’s symptoms and overall health.

Books References for Zincum metallicum:

  • Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica” by Cyrus Maxwell Boger
  • Materia Medica and Repertory” by William Boericke
  • Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica” by James Tyler Kent
  • The Prescriber” by John Henry Clarke
  • Textbook of Materia Medica” by Adolph Lippe
  • Phatak, S.R. A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines.
  • Boericke, William. Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Prior to utilizing any homeopathic remedies, it is of utmost importance to actively pursue and engage in a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced homeopathic practitioner. This prudent step is necessary to ensure the appropriate and safe use of homeopathic treatments in accordance with individual needs and specific health conditions. By seeking professional guidance, individuals can benefit from the expertise and knowledge of a trained homeopathic practitioner who can provide personalized recommendations, assess the suitability of remedies, and tailor a holistic treatment plan that aligns with the unique requirements of each individual. The guidance and oversight of a qualified homeopathic practitioner play a vital role in optimizing the efficacy and safety of homeopathic remedies, thereby promoting a more comprehensive and favorable health outcome.

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