Category: Homeopathy

1 5 6 7 8 9 18 70 / 176 POSTS
STRYCHNOS GAULTHERIANA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNOS GAULTHERIANA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNOS GAULTHERIANA is a homeopathic medicine derived from the plant Strychnos gaultheriana, also known as Brazilian arrowwood. It is primarily us [...]
STRYCHNINUM PURUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNINUM PURUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNINUM is a homeopathic medicine derived from the alkaloid strychnine, which is obtained from the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. It is [...]
STRYCHNINUM PHOSPHORICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNINUM PHOSPHORICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRYCHNINUM PHOSPHORICUM is a homeopathic medicine derived from strychnine, a toxic substance obtained from the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tre [...]
STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Strophanthus hispidus is a homeopathic medicine derived from the seeds of the Strophanthus hispidus plant. It is primarily used in homeopathy to trea [...]
STRONTIUM CARBONICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRONTIUM CARBONICUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Strontium carbonicum is a homeopathic medicine derived from the compound strontium carbonate. It is primarily used to address various health conditio [...]
STRAMONIUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRAMONIUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STRAMONIUM is a homeopathic medicine derived from the plant Datura stramonium, commonly known as Jimson weed or Thornapple. It is used to treat vario [...]
STILLINGIA SILVATICA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STILLINGIA SILVATICA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Stillingia Silvatica is a homeopathic medicine that is derived from the plant known as Queen's Delight or Stillingia Sylvatica. It is primarily used [...]
STIGMATA MAYDIS: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STIGMATA MAYDIS: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STIGMATA MAYDIS is the Latin name for the homeopathic medicine made from the corn smut fungus, Ustilago maydis. It is commonly known as "corn smut" o [...]
STICTA PULMONARIA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STICTA PULMONARIA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Sticta Pulmonaria is a homeopathic medicine commonly used for respiratory conditions. It is derived from a lichen known as Lungwort or Lungmoss. P [...]
STELLARIA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

STELLARIA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide

Stellaria media, commonly known as Chickweed, is a herbaceous plant that is often used in homeopathic medicine. It belongs to the Caryophyllaceae fam [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 18 70 / 176 POSTS
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