Category: Educational

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Homeopathic Remedies Derived from the Bacteria Kingdom

Homeopathic Remedies Derived from the Bacteria Kingdom

Introduction to the Bacteria Kingdom The Bacteria kingdom consists of single-celled microorganisms that are found in virtually every environment o [...]

Source of Homoeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats individuals based on the principle of “like cures like.” The remedies used in homeopathy come [...]

What Are Common Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune Disease : Homeopathic Education & Tutorial Autoimmune diseases represent a group of conditions where the body’s immune system, whic [...]

Aconitum Napellus Personality in Homeopathy

Aconitum Napellus, commonly known as Monkshood or Aconite, is a prominent remedy in homeopathy, often referred to in acute cases. It is characterized [...]

Silicea Personality in Homeopathy

Silicea, also known as Silica, is a prominent remedy in homeopathy used for individuals exhibiting specific physical, emotional, and mental character [...]

Sepia Personality in Homeopathy

Sepia, a remedy derived from the inky secretion of the cuttlefish, holds a significant place in homeopathy due to its potent effects, especially on w [...]

Graphites Personality in Homeopathy

Graphites is a significant remedy in homeopathy, known for its deep action on individuals who exhibit both physical and mental characteristics closel [...]

Mercurius Solubilis Personality in Homeopathy

Mercurius Solubilis, derived from mercury, is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its profound effects on the body and mind. It is particularly u [...]

Hyoscyamus Personality in Homeopathy

Hyoscyamus niger (commonly known as Henbane) is a well-known remedy in homeopathy, particularly for its profound effects on the nervous system. It cr [...]

Arsenicum Album Personality in Homeopathy

Arsenicum Album is a profoundly acting homeopathic remedy, known for its wide-reaching effects on both the physical body and the mind. It is particul [...]
1 2 3 5 10 / 44 POSTS
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