Tag: respiratory problems
SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide
Spiranthes autumnalis is a homeopathic medicine derived from the plant known as the Autumn Lady's Tresses. It belongs to the Orchidaceae family and i [...]
SPIRAEA ULMARIA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide
SPIRAEA ULMARIA, also known as meadowsweet, is a plant commonly used in homeopathic medicine. It has several properties and preparations, and it is k [...]
TARTARICUM ACIDUM: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide
Tartaricum Acidum is a homeopathic remedy derived from tartaric acid. It is primarily used to treat respiratory and digestive problems. Here is some [...]
TARENTULA HISPANICA: Homeopathic Medicine Uses, Symptoms, Treatment | Materia Medica Guide
Tarentula Hispanica is a homeopathic remedy that is derived from the Spanish spider, also known as the tarantula. This remedy is used to treat a vari [...]
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