Drug Affinities Index:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
How to Interpret Action Levels: A Guide to Reading Indicators
Italics Purple: Denotes the second degree of action, which has been well-verified and confirmed through experience.
Blue Color: Indicates the next higher degree of action.
GREEN COLOR: Signifies the highest and most distinguished degree of action.
- Zincum Metallicum → (Zinc.) : ARNICA MONTANA → (ARN.) | BARITA CARBONICA → (BAR-C.) | Carbo Vegetabilis → (Carb-v.) | Euphorbium Officinarum → (Euph.) | HEPAR SULPHUR → (HEP.) | IGNATIA AMARA → (IGN.) | Lachesis → (Lach.) | Magnetis poli ambo (M-ambo.) | Magnetis polus arcticus → (M-arct.) | Magnetis-Polus-Australis → (M-aust.) | MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS → (MERC.) | Phosphoricum Acidum → (Ph-ac.)