Homoeopathic Drug Affinities Index: P


Drug Affinities Index:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

How to Interpret Action Levels: A Guide to Reading Indicators

Italics Purple: Denotes the second degree of action, which has been well-verified and confirmed through experience.
Blue Color: Indicates the next higher degree of action.
GREEN COLOR: Signifies the highest and most distinguished degree of action.

  • Paris Quadrifolia → (PAR.) : Iodium → (Iod.) | Nux vomica → (Nux-v.) | Phosphorus → (Phos.)
  • Petroleum → (Petr.) : Agaricus Muscarius → (Agar.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Calcarea Carbonica → (Calc.) | Carbo vegetabilis → (Carb-v.) | Chamomilla → (Cham.) | Lycopodium Clavatum → (Lyc.) | Natrum muriaticum → (Nat-m.) | Nitricum acidum → (Nit-ac.) | NUX VOMICA → (NUX-V.) | Phosphorus → (Phos.) | Pulsatilla → (Puls.) | Silicea → (Sil.) | Sulphur → (Sulph.) | Thuja Occidentalis → (Thuj.)
  • Phosphorus → (PHOS.) : Aconitum Napellus → (Acon.) | Agaricus muscarius → (Agar.) | Alumina → (Alum.) | Ammoniacum Gummi → (Ammc.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Aurum Metallicum → (Aur.) | Bromine → (Brom.) | Calcarea Carbonica → (Calc.) | Causticum → (Caust.) | China Officinalis → (Chin.) | Cina Maritima → (Cina.) | Digitalis → (Dig.) | Graphites → (Graph.) | Helleborus Niger → (Hell.) | Iodium → (Iod.) | Ipecacuanha → (Ip.) | (Kali.) | Lycopodium Clavatum → (Lyc.) | Moschus → (Mosch.) | NUX VOMICA → (NUX-V.) | Opium → (Op.) | Paris Quadrifolia → (Par.) | Petroleum → (Petr.) | PULSATILLA → (PULS.) | Secale Cornutum → (Sec.) | Sepia → (Sep.) | Silicea → (Sil.) | Strontium → (Stront.) | Veratrum Album → (Veratr.) | Verbascum → (Verb.)
  • Phosphoricum acidum → (PH-AC.) : Aconitum Napellus → (Acon.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Asafoetida → (Asaf.) | Belladonna → (Bell.) | Calcarea Carbonica → (Calc.) | China Officinalis → (Chin.) | Cuprum Metallicum → (Cupr.) | Digitalis → (Dig.) | Dulcamara → (Dulc.) | Hyoscyamus → (Hyos.) | Ignatia → (Ign.) | Lachesis → (Lach.) | Lycopodium Clavatum → (Lyc.) | Mercurius Solubilis → (Merc.) | Opium → (Op.) | Rheum Palmatum→ (Rheum.) | Rhus toxicodendron → (Rhus-t.) | Staphysagria → (Staph.) | Veratrum Album → (Verat.) | Zincum metallicum → (Zinc.)
  • Platinum Metallicum → (PLAT.) : Asafoetida → (Asaf.) | Belladonna → (Bell.) | Causticum → (Caust.) | Crocus Sativus → (Croc.) | Digitalis → (Dig.) | Ignatia → (Ign.) | LACHESIS → (LACH.) | Menyanthes → (Meny.) | Mercurius Solubilis → (Merc.) | PLUMBUM METALLICUM → (PLB.) | PULSATILLA → (PULS.) | Sabadilla → (Sabad.) | Sabina → (Sabin.) | Strontium → (Stront.) | Vitex Trifolia → (Vit.)
  • Plumbum metallicum → (PLB.) : Alumina → (Alum.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Belladonna → (Bell.) | China Officinalis → (Chin.) | Hyoscyamus → (Hyos.) | Natrum muriaticum → (Nat-m.) | Nux vomica → (Nux-v.) | OPIUM → (OP.) | PLATINUM METALLICUM (PLAT.) | Stramonium → (Stram.) | Sulphur → (Sulph.) | Sulphuric acid → (Sul-ac.)
  • Pulsatilla → (PULS.) : Aconitum Napellus → (Acon.) | Agaricus muscarius → (Agar.) | Alumina → (Alum.) | Ambra Grisea → (Ambr.) | Ammonium Muriaticum → (Am-m.) | Antimonium crudum → (Ant-cd.) | Antimonium tartaricum → (Ant-t.) | Apis Mellifica → (Apis.) | Arnica Montana → (Arn.) | Asafoetida → (Asaf.) | Aurum Metallicum → (Aur.) | BELLADONNA → (BELL.) | BRYONIA → (BRY.) | Calcarea Carbonica → (Calc.) | Cannabis sativa → (Cann-s.) | CANTHARIS → (CANTH.) | Capsicum Annuum → (Caps.) | Carbo vegetabilis → (Carb-v.) | Causticum → (Caust.) | CHAMOMILLA → (CHAM.) | Chelidonium → (Chel.) | China Officinalis → (Chin.) | Coffea Cruda → (Coff.) | Colchicum → (Colch.) | Conium Maculatum → (Con.) | CUPRUM METALLICUM → (CUPR.) | Cyclamen europaeum → (Cycl.) | Digitalis → (Dig.) | Dulcamara → (Dulc.) | Euphorbium Officinarum → (Euph.) | Ferrum Metallicum → (Ferr.) | GRAPHITES → (GRAPH.) | Ignatia → (Ign.) | Ipecacuanha → (Ip.) | (KALI.) | LACHESIS → (LACH.) | Ledum palustre → (Led.) | LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM → (LYC.) | Magnetis polus arcticus → (M-arct.) | (Mag.) | Manganum → (Mang.) | Mercurius Solubilis → (Merc.) | MILLEFOLIUM → (MILL.) | (NAT.) | NATRIUM MURIATICUM → (NAT-M.) | NITRICUM ACIDUM → (NIT-AC.) | Nux vomica → (Nux-v.) | Petroleum → (Petr.) | Phosphorus → (Phos.) | PLATINUM METALLICUM → (PLAT.) | Ranunculus bulbosus → (Ran-b.) | Rheum Palmatum → (Rheum.) | Rhus toxicodendron → (Rhus-t.) | Sabadilla → (Sabad.) | SEPIA OFFICINALIS → (SEP.) | Silicea → (Sil.) | Spigelia anthelmia → (Spig.) | STANNUM METALLICUM → (STANN.) | Sulphur → (Sulph.) | SECALE CORNUTUM → (SEC.) | Valeriana Officinalis → (Valer.) | Verbascum thapsus → (Verb.) | Vitex Trifolia → (Vit.)
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