Homoeopathic Drug Affinities Index: B


Drug Affinities Index:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

How to Interpret Action Levels: A Guide to Reading Indicators

Italics Purple: Denotes the second degree of action, which has been well-verified and confirmed through experience.
Blue Color: Indicates the next higher degree of action.
GREEN COLOR: Signifies the highest and most distinguished degree of action.

  • Baryta carbonica → (Bar-c.) : Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Calcarea carbonica → (Calc.) | Nux vomica → (Nux-v.) | Sepia Officinalis → (Sep.) | Zincum metallicum → (Zinc.)
  • Belladonna → (Bell.) : ACONITUM NAPELLUS → (ACON.) | Agaricus muscarius → (Agar.) | Ammonium bromatum → (Ambr.) | Antimonium tartaricum → (Ant-t.) | Apis mellifica → (Apis.) | Bryonia alba → (Bry.) | CALCAREA CARBONICA → (CALC.) | Cannabis sativa → (Cann-s.) | Cantharis vesicatoria → (Canth.) | Causticum → (Caust.) | Chamomilla → (Cham.) | China officinalis → (Chin.) | Cicuta virosa → (Cic.) | Cina maritima → (Cina.) | Coffea cruda → (Coff.) | Colchicum autumnale → (Colch.) | Colocynthis → (Coloc.) | Crocus sativus → (Croc.) | Cuprum metallicum → (Cupr.) | Digitalis purpurea → (Dig.) | Graphites → (Graph.) | Helleborus niger → (Hell.) | HEPAR SULPHUR → (HEP.) | Hyoscyamus niger → (Hyos.) | Iodium → (Iod.) | LACHESIS MUTUS → (LACH.) | Mercurius solubilis → (Merc.) | MOSCHUS → (MOSCH.) | Nitricum acidum → (Nit-ac.) | NUX VOMICA → (NUX-V.) | Opium → (Op.) | Phosphoricum acidum → (Ph-ac.) | Platinum metallicum → (Plat.) | Plumbum metallicum → (Plb.) | PULSATILLA PRATENSIS → (PULS.) | Rheum → (Rheum.) | Rhus toxicodendron → (Rhus-t.) | Sarsaparilla → (Sars.) | Senega → (Seneg.) | SEPIA OFFICINALIS → (SEP.) | Silicea → (Sil.) | Stramonium → (Stram.) | Sulphur → (Sulph.) | Valeriana → (Valer.)
  • Bismuthum subnitricum → (Bism.) : Antimonium crudum → (Ant-c.) | CALCAREA CARBONICA → (CALC.) | Cocculus indicus → (Cocc.) | Ignatia amara → (Ign.) | Spigelia anthelmia → (Spig.) | Staphysagria → (Staph.)
  • Borax → (Borx.) : Bryonia alba → (Bry.) | Calcarea carbonica → (Calc.) | Chamomilla → (Cham.) | Coffea cruda → (Coff.) | Silicea → (Sil.) | Sulphur → (Sulph.)
  • Bovista Lycoperdon → (Bov.) : Nitricum acidum → (Nit-ac.) | Selenium → (Sel.) | Silicea → (Sil.)
  • Bromium → (Brom.) : AMMONIACUM GUMMI → (AMMC.) | Antimonium crudum → (Ant-c.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Camphora → (Camph.) | Coffea cruda → (Coff.) | Hepar sulphur → (Hep.) | Iodium → (Iod.) | Magnesia carbonica → (Mag.) | Natrum muriaticum → (Nat-m.) | Opium → (Op.) | Phosphorus → (Phos.) | Spongia tosta → (Spong.)
  • Bryonia alba → (Bry.) : ACONITUM NAPELLUS → (ACON.) | ALUMINA → (ALUM.) | Angustura vera → (Ang.) | Arsenicum album → (Ars.) | Belladonna → (Bell.) | Borax → (Borx.) | Calcarea carbonica → (Calc.) | Carbo vegetabilis → (Carb-v.) | Causticum → (Caust.) | China officinalis → (Chin.) | Clematis erecta → (Clem.) | Colocynthis → (Coloc.) | Dulcamara → (Dulc.) | Guaiacum Officinale → (Guaj.) | Iodium → (Iod.) | Ipecacuanha → (Ip.) | (Kali.) | Ledum palustre → (Led.) | Lycopodium clavatum → (Lyc.) | Mezereum → (Mez.) | Millefolium → (Mill.) | Phosphorus → (Phos.) | PULSATILLA PRATENSIS → (PULS.) | Ranunculus bulbosus → (Ran-b.) | RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM → (RHOD.) | RHUS TOXICODENDRON → (RHUS-T.) | Squilla → (Squil.) | Senega → (Seneg.) | Sepia Officinalis → (Sep.) | Veratrum album → (Verat.)

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